Takahe facts

Did you know down in Te Anau there's a guy called Andrew and he's taking us on a field trip  to see baby chicks and mother Takahe's.  Their enemies are stoats rat's and weka,they eat the Takahes eggs.Andrew has to be quiet to look at the eggs and be quiet to leave and go back to the Burnwood office and put the egg in the small incubatur.Theirs a small incubatur that fits only one egg but the large one takes eight eggs.

Takahe facts

This week we are getting audio conferences from the Murchison Mountains. Other schools of NZ ask questions about Andrews job and the takahe. Only 6 out of 10 Takahe chicks in the wild  survive.The size of an incubator (a large one) can fit eight eggs in it.Small two eggs. In the last week four chicks have hatched.The bad thing is stoats eat chicks,eggs and some times the parents. The incubator is 36 degrees c.We like takahe!!  

Our Takahe study

Room 14 is going on a field trip to Te Anau but we are staying in our class and we are learning about Takahes!! The teacher down in Te Anau his name is Andrew Louson.We got two imfortion sheets yesterday about Takahes.Theres a camera in Te Anau that shows us a video link about the Takahes.The colours of a Takahe are green,blue,black and red.The size of a Takahe is larger than the pukeko.Takahes live in NZ in Te Anau.We like the Takahe!

Monday afternoons

On Monday and Thursday afternoons all the year threes go out to sport. We do hockey rippa rugby and volleyball. Its really fun doing sports . Emma likes doing hockey because she likes hitting the ball with a stick. We have to roll the ball all the way to the goalpost Its really hard to do.